Idaho Potato Variety Trial Data Now Available on Medius

A Combo as Classic as a Burger and Fries When you think of potatoes, you may think of Idaho, and with good reason! Idaho has been growing more potatoes than any other state since 1957,

The Power of Shared Variety Testing Data

Revolutionizing Variety Testing Insights Across States The great assumption with data is that its value is proportional to its size. We know it is intrinsically valuable, which is why companies, researchers, government agencies, etc., collect

Fathoming the Frozen Frontier

The Rise of Extreme Cold-Resistant Potatoes In the realm of agricultural innovation, a groundbreaking discovery has sent shockwaves through the scientific community. An exciting new breakthrough in potatoes resistant to extremely cold conditions is set

So You Want to Build a Database

A database, or data management system, is never “complete” and must always be able to evolve and adapt to changes in technology, emerging cybersecurity threats, shifting user needs or preferences, and administrative policies, for example. By any conservative measure, annual costs to maintain a database at a professional level will be in the six figures when labor costs are included. Initial set up costs will also exceed annual maintenance costs, meaning that a large capital investment will be necessary at the beginning of the project.

What’s Past is Prologue

The Medius Advantage What was your first cell phone? Mine was the Nokia 8210 that operated on Cingular Wireless–a precursor to the now ubiquitous AT&T. At risk of further dating myself, I bought that phone

The Universal Thirst for Useful Data

Medius Ag Heads to the Middle East for AgraME Whether it is potatoes in the Pacific Northwest or cotton in Egypt, agriculture production can be boiled down to a simple goal: To produce a crop

Oregon State University Partners with Medius Ag

Leader in Pacific Northwest Potato Breeding Joins Growing Ranks of Medius Users Today, we are thrilled to announce our partnership with the Potato Breeding Program at Oregon State University (OSU). Under the guidance and leadership

Declaration of Independence

In Congress, July 4, 1776 The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected

Chips or Crisps? Soccer or Football?

Metric or Empirical? Why Not Both? Just over a year ago, in late May 2022, Medius had the opportunity to exhibit at the World Potato Congress that was hosted by the beautiful city of Dublin,